The Objectives:
Taking consideration of all the prevailing social and economic obstacles in the target area, GRAUS has set down the following objectives for building up a sustainable eco-friendly society:
- Build up friendship, unity and a model society by appropriate transfer of knowledge, co-operation, and by sharing experiences gained.
- Create an environment and implement programmes in target areas for the introduction of compulsory basic education.
- Create self-employment opportunities for the target groups comprised of the disadvantaged people.
- Promote gender equity through empowerment of the women.
- Promote child rights, and empowerment of the youth through awareness and trainings.
- Arrange workshops and trainings on population control, mother’s health and natal care.
- Arrange seminars, workshops and trainings on health care and hygiene for development of awareness of the target groups in order to reduce water-borne diseases, outbreaks of malaria, mother and child mortality rate, and check drug abuse.
- Arrange workshops and training sessions for the illiterate farmers on modern agriculture, pisciculture, green revolution, etc. to update their traditional technical know-how and utilize the knowledge so gained in their methods.
- Set up schools and hostels managed by community, for making general and technical education available for the rural poor students.
- Preserve and develop Ethnic peoples’ culture, tradition, languages and ways of life.
- Provide and ensure access to safe water and preserve natural sources of water by providing environment-friendly methods.
- Co-operate with the Government /Non-governmental relief programmes in the wake of the outbreak of natural disasters like devastating flood, cyclone, epidemics, fire, etc. by forming relief committees, as necessary.
- Raise people’s awareness on environmental laws, land rights, forestry, preservation of traditional medicinal plants and eco-friendly sustainable agriculture.
Legal Status :
a) Registered with the Department of Social Services,
Ministry of Social Welfare, under the Government of Bangladesh
Reg. No. : Band-121/99 Bandarban Hill District.
Date : September 30, 1999.
b) Registered with the Bureau of NGO Affairs
Reg. No. : 2144
Date : October 09, 2006.
c) Registered Member with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Reg No : NG/25322
D) Europe Aid ID:
BD-2008-FYQ-1111750706 |