The GRAUS (Gram Unnayon Sangathon) – Organization for Rural Socio-economic Development – began its journey in 1998 with its headquarters in Bandarban, in the southern hill district of Bangladesh. It has been working among the disadvantaged and underprivileged section of the people of the district, irrespective of race and religion, especially among the deprived section of the ethnic people’s community.
Its Vision is committed to rural integrated development, empowerment and building up of a sustainable environment. The mission of GRAUS is improved access of the deprived to socio-economic development, enabling them to enjoy and leave a better world for themselves and the future generations, with due importance towards sustainable environment. The GRAUS also have legally registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau, Department of Social Services, and also a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 
Since 1998 GRAUS has been engaged in dedicated service to the local community, working for the poverty alleviation of the underprivileged section of the people. During the last twenty one years, GRAUS have undertaken some development projects with excellent results in the fields of community empowerment, livelihood development, reproductive & primary health-care, Livelihood development, Aquaculture Development, Micro-enterprise development, homestead food production & Nutrition, natural resource management, Emergency response, WASH, DRR, Social cohesion, Adolescent and Youth empowerment etc. in partnering with World Food Programme, Helen Keller International, BRAC, Save the Children, FAO, CARE, UNICEF, UNDP-CHTDF, United Purpose, Solidarites International, World Fish, UN-FAO, BNPS, Simavi Netherlands, Manusher Jonno Foundation, NGO Forum for Public Health, Partners in Health and Development (PHD), Bangladesh Society for the Enforcement of Human Rights (BSEHR), Department of Women’s Affairs and Bandarban Hill District Council (BHDC). Gender has been a cross-cutting issue for us in all the projects. |